

Definitions of Transformations


A translation is a transformation where you shift the shape either up, down, left or right. Any combination of the shift can be made. A translation is considered a rigid transformation, because the shape and size of the original object is maintained.

How to Translate a Shape in the Coordinate Plane


A rotation turns the original shape in a certain direction and a certain degree. Typically in Geometry, rotations are done counterclockwise unless otherwise specified. If says to rotate clockwise, then rotate clockwise. The most common rotations are 90, 180, and 270 degrees. Rotations are rigid transformations in the fact that the original size and shape of the object is preserved. Majority of the time, the object will be rotated about the origin, but it is possible to rotate the shape about a different point.

How to Rotate a Triangle in the Coordinate Plane about the Origin


A reflection occurs when a shape is flipped over a given line. The most common lines of reflection are across the x-axis, y-axis, and the line y = x. A reflection is a rigid transformation, because the original size and shape is preserved.

How to Reflect a Triangle across a Given Line