Linear Equations

Learn to solve various levels of linear equations. Types include solving multi-step, variables on both sides, utilizing the distributive property, and learning how to clear an equation of fractions. Linear equations have at most one solution. It is possible to have infinite solutions, this occurs if the variable cancels out and you are left with a true statement.  It is also possible to have no solutions, this occurs if the variable cancels out and you are left with a false statement. Examples of both infinite solutions and no solutions are included.

Linear-Variable on Both Sides

Using the Distributive Property

Linear-Infinite Solutions

Linear-No Solution

Linear-Fraction Coefficients

Linear-Fractions-More Complex

Distributive Property More Complex

Quadratic Equations

Quadratic equations contain a  variable that is squared.  The most common way to solve a quadratic equation is to use the quadratic formula. Other ways of solving quadratic equations include factoring, completing the square, and the square root method.  Factoring can only be used if the solutions are rational.  The square root method can only be used if there is no linear (x) term, and the variable is only squared. Completing the square and the quadratic formula can always be used, regardless of the type of solution. Quadratics can have at most 2 solutions.  It is possible to have no real solutions, a.k.a. imaginary solutions, in quadratic equations. Depending on the level in Algebra, students will either list the imaginary solutions, or put no real solutions as the answer. 

Solve by Factoring Ex 1

Solve by Factoring Ex 2

Solve by Factoring Ex 3

Solve by Square Root Method

Solve Using the
Quadratic Formula Ex 1

Quadratic Formula
No Real Solutions

Solve by Completing the Square

Solve by Completing the Square
Leading Coeff. not 1

Derive the Quadratic Formula

Radical Equations

Radical equations contain an algebraic expression inside of a radical.  Radical equations include square root, cube roots, and up to nth roots.  There are two types of radical equations that are typically solved. Radical = radical equations have radicals on both sides.  In order to solve this type, both sides of the equation are taken to the power that would clear both radical terms. The other type of radical equations have a term that is not under the radical.  To solve this type, you would need to isolate the radical term, and take both sides to the root that gets rid of the radical.  It is possible to have extraneous solutions (extra solutions that would work if it is quadratic, but don't because we are only looking for the positive root), so it is important to always check solutions. An alternative way of writing a radical equation is to use rational exponents.  Rational exponents are exponents with fractions.

Basic Radical

Cube Root

Radicals on Both Sides

Radical - No Real Solutions

Radical- TI-84 used to
Check Solution

Results in a Quadratic Equation

Rational Exponent

Rational Exponents in Quadratic
Form Using a U-substitution

Polynomial Equations

Polynomial equations have at least one x term, and can go up to nth degree. This section will contain polynomial equations that are degree three and higher, since there is a separate section for quadratics and linear equations (which are special types of polynomial equations.) There are various methods of solving polynomial equations.  The highest degree of the polynomial will give the maximum number of solutions to the equation. There are only a couple of examples currently, but more will be added soon.

6th Degree in Quadratic Form
Using U-Substitution

In Quadratic Form Using

Rational Equations

Rational equations contain the variable term in the denominator.  The easiest way to solve these is to multiply both sides by the lowest common denominator in order to clear the fractions. Rational equations can range from very basic to very difficult. These can result in linear, quadratic or polynomial equations that have to be solved after clearing fractions. These also can contain extraneous solutions.  An extraneous solution in rational equations is a solution that when plugged back into the original expression result in a zero in the denominator.  It is very important to check solutions.  Various levels are covered.

Basic Rational Equation

Example with No Solution

Solve Using Cross Multiplication

Solve Using Factoring to find LCD

Solve Using Factoring to find LCD

Solve Using U-Substitution

Absolute Value Equations

Absolute value equations contain an algebraic expression inside of an absolute value.  When solving this type, it is important to remember the definition of absolute value.  Absolute value is the distance from zero.  Distance is always positive, and except for zero, there are always two numbers that are equal distances from zero.  For these, you want to first get the absolute value expression alone on one side, then set the expression equal to the positive and negative of the opposite side, then solve the resulting equations.

Absolute Value Ex 1

Absolute Value Ex 2

Absolute Value - No Solution

Exponential Equations

Exponential equations are equations containing the variable in the exponent. Some exponential equations can be solved by rewriting both sides to be the same base, and setting the exponents equal to each other. Other exponential equations require using logarithms to solve, and then using properties of logarithms to solve the equations. Both types will be covered.

Solve Exponential Equation
Same Base Ex 1

Solve Exponential Equation
Same Base Ex 2

Solve Exponential Equation
Both Sides Base e

Solve Exponential Equation
Same Base - Quadratic

Solve Exponential with Logarithms

Solve Exp. with Logarithms

Solve Exponential with Logarithms
(More Steps)

Solve Exponential with Base e
Using Logarithms

Logarithmic Equations

Logarithmic equations are equations containing logarithms. Traditionally, there are two types,
those that have logarithms on both sides and those that do not. Solving logarithmic equations is very helpful in an Algebra course.

Solve Logarithmic Equation Ex 1

Literal Equations and Formulas

Sometimes in Algebra and also in the real world, we need to be able to solve formulas or literal equations for a specified variable. The examples in this section show ways to solve for the indicated variable. Some are very easy, and others a bit more challenging.

Solve for Length in Volume of
Rectangular Prism Formula

Solve for Height in Surface Area
of a Cylinder Formula

Solve for x in a Literal Equation

Solve for x in a Literal Equation Using Distributive Property

Plug Values into a Formula and Solve for Given Variable