Distance Rate Time Word Problems

All of the word problems below are varying types of distance/rate/time word problems.  Remember for these that distance = Rate*Time or d=rt. There are problems involving round trip, opposite directions, and someone overtaking another person.  There are multiple scenarios, some finding the distance traveled, some finding the rate(s), and some with time.

Find Time - Traveling
Opposite Directions

Find Speed - Traveling
Opp. Directions (Basic)

Find Speed - Traveling
Opp. Directions (Harder)

Find Speed - Traveling
Round Trip

Find Time
Traveling Round Trip

Find Speed - Two Drivers
in Same Direction

Find Speed of Boat
in Moving Water

Find Speed of a Plane
when Dealing with Wind

Work Word Problems

All of the word problems below are varying types of work word problems.  Work problems deal with scenarios where the rate to complete a single job by one person is given, the information for another person or people to complete the same job is also given, and we are interested in finding how long would it take working together. 

Find Time to Complete
the Job Together

Find Time to Complete
the Job Alone

Simple Interest Word Problems

All of the word problems below are varying types of simple interest word problems.  With simple interest, a set amount of interest is paid for the life of the loan. Car loans can use simple interest. Interest is calculated by taking the initial amount (principal) and multiplying it by the rate of the loan and the time in years that the loan is used for.

Find Interest Paid

Find Amount Invested in
Two Different Accounts

Variation Problems

The different types of variation problems are direct variation, inverse variation, joint variation, or combined variation. These types of problems occur frequently in the real world. All of them contain k which represents the constant of variation (a.k.a the contstant of proportionality.) Direct variation is also known as direcly proportional. Inverse variation can also be called inversely proportional.

Direct Variation

Quadratic Word Problems

All of the videos in this section are word problems relating to quadratic functions. Currently, they include maximizing revenue and minimizing costs. More topics in quadratics will be added in the future.

Throwing a Ball from a Building
Quadratic Application

Finding Maximum Revenue

Finding Minimum Cost

Maximize Area of a Fence

Rational Word Problems

All of the videos in this section are word problems relating to rational functions. Currently, they include finding the minimum surface area given the volume.

Minimum Surface Area
Given Volume

Linear Word Problems

All of the videos in this section are word problems relating to linear functions. Currently, they include creating a linear model for a given situation.

Linear Model

Systems of Equations Word Problems

The videos in this section how to solve applications of systems of equations. There are many real world examples where systems of two equations are used.

Ticket Prices

Word Problem Involving Difference, Product, and Sum of Reciprocals

Composite Functions Word Problems

The videos in this section how to solve applications of composite functions. Composite functions can simplify things when you are working with two different equations and you want to rewrite the first as function of another variable.

Surface Area as a
Function of Time